Thursday, September 15, 2011

2nd Anniversary

This year for our anniversary Aaron took the day off work so we could go to Seven Peaks. We literally hadn't spent a day in the sun this whole summer and we have passes so we thought it would be fun to go. We got Gwen to watch Emery and we were going to have a great time...until I got the flu, or possibly food poisoning, I'm not quite sure. It started Saturday and it was pretty horrible. Luckily no one else got it so Aaron was able to take care of Emery. And can I just say he is a pretty awesome dad. He took her to church, to his mom's for Sunday dinner, and basically took care of her 100% for three days. I was actually really glad he had the day off cuz I was still pretty sick Monday. I slowly got better but I still had a few bathroom runs (haha...pun) for the whole week. Aaron pointed out that I have been sick for every anniversary so far, which is only 2, but I was also sick on our honeymoon, so for 3 years in a row. Our honeymoon wasn't too bad, I was sick on the plane ride from SLC to Denver, but that was it. On our 1st anniversary we went to Park City and the morning we were supposed to leave I was sick...due to pregnancy I think but we didn't know I was pregnant yet, and this year the flu. So I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for a nice anniversary next year.

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