Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A few firsts

Ok so I know the last post was about Emery rolling over for the first time, but her first actual roll over from back to tummy to back was on Monday August 29th (and without the help of aaron.) Now she is a rolling machine. 2 seconds after I put her on her blanket she has rolled off, and somehow she always manages to roll her way to the entertainment center, then gets stuck because she can't roll any further. She's only got the left roll down so far.
She has also started reaching for things. I don't really have a concrete date on when this started happening since it kinda happens gradually but within the last couple of weeks. Now she's reaching for my plate, stroking my face while she eats (which is super cute but those little nails are sharp!) and playing with the dangly toys on her bouncy seat, or any time we dangle toys in front of her. She also grabs more with her left, but she can do her right too.
She really REALLY wants to sit up, but just ends up crunching in half. She always tries to sit up when I put her in her bouncy seat and then basically gets stuck folded in half, which she doesn't seem to mind, she just plays with her toes :)
She is a super happy baby, you can basically always get a smile out of her. And really, unless she is hungry or tired, she doesn't cry, unless we're in the car...then she screams. She hates the car still.
She also has her first well check next Monday (sept 19th) and now...for one more first, that I hope is also a last. Today while I was changing her bum, she decided she wasn't done pooping. My hand just happened to be right there. Poop began oozing down my hand and I grabbed a wipey to stop it from running down and onto the changing table. There was no way I was wiping it all up, cuz it was still coming out, so I decided the best plan of action was just just put a diaper under her, move my hand (which had now created a dam, so it wasn't on the changing table) and just let the poop go into the clean diaper. Then I could clean it all up and just grab another diaper. Waste of 1 diaper, I know, but that's all I could come up with. So I grabbed a diaper, slid it under her, and started wiping wiping wiping. All the while Emery was having a good ol time. Poop was running down her legs, which she was kicking frantically. She slammed her feet in the puddle of poop, splashed it on my shirt, and basically covered her legs in it. I finally got it all wiped up, slapped a clean diaper on her, and set her on the floor without snapping up her pj's and went to the bathroom to wash my hands/arms, which has a nice coating of poop, and stain treat my shirt. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't stain.
Ok well that's about it but I'll post a few pics.

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