Friday, February 17, 2012

9 months old

Emery is 9 months old today. She weighs a little over 17 pounds and is 26 inches long. She's crawling all over the place, which she started doing just after Christmas. She is also standing and aunt Danielle gave her one of those walker toys and she walks all over the living room with it. She has 3 teeth, all on the bottom. She loves oatmeal cereal and she'll eat butternut squash, pears, carrots, and peas, although she doesn't love them as much. She isn't very good at non-pureed food though. We tried some baby mum mums just a few days ago, she ate about half of it, choked, and puked it all over me. So we're going to hold off a little longer on those. She's starting to dance when music is on. She claps and waves and holds her arms in the air and we have just started to get her to make kissy sounds. Aaron also growls at her and she'll growl back. We are having so much fun with her, she's usually always happy and already a little goof ball. She still doesn't sleep through the night, we keep trying different things but she's just a stubborn little thing. She says mama, dada, baba, hi, and something that sounds like boy. It's crazy how much they learn and grow in such a short time. We are looking forward to all the new things she'll learn in the next little while.

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