Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm currently letting Emery cry it out for the first time and I'm feeling SO bad! I have gone back and forth on how I feel about letting a baby cry indefinitely and I'm still not sure I am ok with it but I decided to just see how she did. She just stopped crying and I want to run in there and hold her, but I'm too scared to even peek in there to see if she's sleeping because I don't want to wake her up. I can just hear her doing the sniffling babies do when they have cried so hard. She cried for like 35 minutes, I went in there every 10 to tell her it was ok and lay her back down. Ok, I just needed to vent because I'm seriously struggling at the fact that I let my baby scream for over a half an hour and did nothing about it.


  1. You can do it Liz. You may think that I have no heart, but it was just as hard for me to let Luke cry it out too. I would sit outside his door and cry because I felt so bad and wanted to go in there so bad! But trust me, it will be worth it, for all of you. She'll be getting the full nights sleep, and so will you and Aaron. It only gets harder and they are more stubborn the older they get! You can do it! Crying never hurts anyone (physically, and she'll forget about it by morning!).

  2. I did a VERY mild version of cry it out with Soren. I only let him cry for like 1-2 minutes at a time and then I go in there, put the pacifier back in his mouth and rub his head. I don't pick him up unless it goes on for a while because I feel like it starts the whole process over.
